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Topping up our energy

Kate Freedman

Coaching is a lonely profession when we are away from delivery mode. In executing the work, we meet people from all over the globe, which is a source of energy as I learn so much from being in my client’s world. Around the sessions is the ‘Solo’ part of the Solopreneur and I find myself looking for ways to spend time with other coaches to aid my learning and loneliness.

As a natural extravert I seek to spend time with other people as an energy source for the variety of tasks that are not coaching delivery. The energy is needed to aid me to get the other parts of running the business accomplished. Having a chance to talk to my coaching peers or learning something new in group supervision or attending a webinar is my way of topping up my battery before attempting the more mundane tasks. As we move into the autumn, I must hold myself to also getting out of the door more to attend events with others and get into the fresh air. I can see that I am not alone in this and have noticed an increase in walking and talking coach events and I can see why these are in demand.

The energy source of nature and company is a fantastic way of talking through any blocks we have in our business and in our coaching work and we gain insights from being away from our desks and hearing advice from others. With the right group you may also be offered some powerful coaching questions that help you to redefine your ‘solo’ work as a wonderful thing. I notice that when lonely I can still celebrate that I have the freedom of choice to be an entrepreneur and live my purpose. There is no greater source of energy in noticing that it only takes a few minutes to remind ourselves of the benefits of being our own boss and how quite simply we are in charge of topping up our batteries!


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