The New Year brings opportunities and challenges for everyone. Why not make this the year where you gift yourself time to learn how to develop, learn how to nurture the opportunities and face into the challenges? One way to do this is to work with a coach who can offer you the gift of their presence.
A core principle of my coaching work is to be present for every client thorough creating a relationship where my client trusts me and feels they can use our work together as a tool to make a change. The trust is built by showing every client that they are being seen, heard and that they have the conditions to voice what they are thinking and feeling.
My coaching model is based around the principle that every client has a story. Offering them a chance to tell that story gives the client time to think and explore the stories meaning to their present mindset and it might also reveal where they are stuck or what they want to do more of. How often do we get to tell our story to someone who is trained not to judge or offer advice? The coaches role is to actively listen and remain present for the client to help them explore their story further. This is often a unique occasion in many people’s lives and why coaching gets results. The coach acts a mirror to the client’s story and shares what they notice to help individual’s shift their inner monologue to telling the world their future plans. Is it time to help yourself by telling me your story to achieve something new in 2019?